Tuesday Blues

4:17 AM

Hope every has a been having a good week so far. For me? Not so much...Things have not been going my way for a few days. Problems with the old car I drive, being financially unstable, and band. It's just all so overwhelming and upsetting. But, I won't let it get to me. There will be a light at the end of this tunnel. This tunnel may be a few miles long, but I'll make it. I just have to keep my mind positive and repeat my motto over and over again: 'Everything happens for a reason.' That's what I think. Maybe something quite spectacular might happen to me later on during the week. Maybe I'll get an A on my math test on Thursday. Maybe bae will come through(but most likely not), or we win the football game this Friday. A lot of good things can happen. I just gotta wait on it. Until then, I'll stick through this rough patch in my life.

Quotes of the day:
 "If there is no struggle, there is no progress."  ~Frederick Douglass
 "The best is yet to be."  ~Robert Browning


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