Hot Guy Panel

6:37 PM

As you know(or may not know), when I was in Europe, I was boy lurking. My friend Kayley came up with it. She would secretly take pictures of really attractive guys and try not to get caught. So I thought 'Why not make this a double duty job?' Wherever we went, I would pretend to be looking at something on my phone or faking a selfie. When in reality, I would be snapping away on the European hottie that walked my way. I have failed the 'secretly taking pictures' thing many times. Most of the guys either caught me or posed for the picture. At least that's what it looked like. Maybe they're just natural posers. Am I crazy for doing this? Yes. I just couldn't help myself. But lets just throw crazy out the window for a second. So without further ado, lets check out the Bae Watch Community...

I was sitting right across from him on the train from Bern... 

And the best poser award goes to....this guy!!!! 
This guy is such a poser. He was just taking a break from his job. Are all Europeans hot posers?!?

I'm pretty sure he caught me and he's probably thinking 'that girl is effing crazy'...XD 
The guy that's 'looking' seriously looks like a Cody Simpson look-a-like...o_0

This is Patrick. We met him when we were learning archery. He was the instructors son.

Lastly, I would like to apologize to the guys in the pictures. I don't know if any of you would ever see this, but if you do happen to see this, I'm sorry...Not really though.

Question of the day: Have you ever done something crazy for a cute guy? 


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