
12:01 PM

Happy Tuesday, everybody! My first day of school is tomorrow. For those of you who have already started school, I'm sorry.. And to those who are still on break, enjoy it! To be honest, I've actually been waiting for the first day of school for a long time. But I've also been dreading it. Being a senior means harder classes, more work, and college. Not ready for all that just yet. I already have my first day outfit out and ready to wear.

I've been so busy with marching band practices that I haven't had any time to fully prep myself for school. Obviously its too late now...-_- But, I do love what I do. I've been in band since the 7th grade and I've been marching since the 9th. My favorite things about football season are the away games, because we get to ride charter buses, pep rallys, and of course....the beloved football players. I may or may not have cheered for a few players... ;-) We actually have a pep rally at our local Zaxby's on Thursday, which I'm not too fond about because we have to stand in the heat. But on the bright side, after it's over, I can go inside and eat. Mama's got a love for her food! :-D

I hope everyone has a wonderful school year. And to all my seniors, Class of 2K15!!

Question of the day: If you could play an instrument, what would it be?  xoxo

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