Sisterly Love

4:06 PM

Can we just talk about how much I love my sister? I love messing with her. I also have two younger brothers who I absolutely adore even though they are the most annoying. I'm not playing favorites or anything, but she just makes me laugh the most. We have that kind of relationship where we can laugh about nothing for 20 minutes straight. Thats true love XD Me and my sister are 4 years apart. We are very different in a lot of ways, yet we are the same.

She has this small stuffed animal dog that she never lets out of her sight. If you do anything to it, she will cry. Even though she's almost 13, she's so attached to it. Of course theres nothing wrong that. I know this makes me a terrible person, but I love taking it from her and making her do crazy stuff to get it back. I literally just that today. I took it and I was like 'DO THE SHOPPING CART DANCE!!' or 'STAND IN THE CORNER FOR 10 MINUTES!!!' She would turn and look at me crazy and I would die laughing, then she would die laughing. Kind of like a chain reaction. I eventually gave it back because I'm not that mean. It's not like iv'e ever hid it from her or anything. There was this one time my stepdad hid it from her and she completely bawled her eyes out. Turns out it was on top of the ceiling fan.

We have quite a close relationship. We tell each other almost everything. Sometimes I have to push it out of her, but other than that, we're good. The more time we spend together, the closer we get. She recently joined marching band with me. I've been in band for 5 years and marching band for 4. When she joined, I warned her. I was like 'You are going to hate camp and you will hate the band director even more.' It's nice to have my sister in marching band with me for my last year in high school.

That's the good about her. Now the bad. When she's bored, she's the most annoying person ever. She bothers me which makes me angry. We have cat fights, which consists of punching and smothering. But after a while, it's all good. She has a bad attitude. Whether it's toward me, our brothers, or even our mom. But she learned her lesson after back talking to mom....Lets just say she couldn't sit down for a long time, as she said.

I still love her though. But sometimes I want to ship her to Canada in a box without a blanket. Sometimes I just want to shower her with candy and toys. If you have any siblings, maybe you can relate.

Question of the day: What does your sibling do that annoys you the most? :-)

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