Finals: Blogmas #16

9:24 PM

Hello everybody! Hope you are all alive and well. Me? Not so much. I have two finals tomorrow: Anthropology and Design Thinking. The design final I'm not worried about. Anthropology? I'm a little anxious. It's not my best subject and I haven't studied(bad Cheyenne, I know). So tonight is going to be a huge cram-and-jam. 

I just want to recap this semester. It's gone by so quickly that the first day of school feels like it was a lifetime away. Studio this semester, to sum it up, was a stressful journey. With all the models I've made and drawings, you could say that I am an expert(not even close). Here is a little peak at what my semester in design looked like. 

I know I'm nowhere near professional just yet, but I know that I am on the right path to success. 

Day 16 Calendar Reveal

And the countdown continues...

ho ho ho  

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