Christmas Memories: Blogmas #10

7:31 PM

Hello everybody!! Before I start, I just want to say that my stressful week is finally over! So I am celebrating my first free night by watching Zoella's vlogmas series. 

Today I'm going to share some of my favorite Christmas memories. 

I think my absolute favorite Christmas by far has been last years Christmas. I will admit that I partially said last year because I don't remember much before that. 18 years old with terrible memory. But overall, it really was my favorite because the gifts I got that year were by far the best. That year, I got my beloved sewing machine. I've always wanted a sewing machine ever since I started looking more into design. Every time me and my family went to Walmart, I would always point out the one I wanted, but I hadn't had any luck for a while. So when I opened up my present, I almost cried tears of joy. Every day after I got it, the only sound you could hear was the sound of my machine running all night. My second favorite gift were my Beats. I got the blue drenched in color pair and of course I still love them till this day. The bass you receive with those things are righteous.

I am beyond excited to go home this Christmas break. Just one more week until I am free for a whole month! It makes me so anxious to find out what I've gotten for Christmas this year and I'm quite anxious to find out what you all got for Christmas. I know there are a lot of peekers here so how many of you already know what you're getting? 

Day 10 Calendar Reveal
We are finally in the double digits guys! I feel like I don't have to tell you what this is because it's not a surprise. Dear Lord, please give me more peppermint white chocolate...
And the countdown continues...

ho ho ho

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