Sassy Saturday

2:31 PM

Happy Saturday everyone!! Hope you all had a nice, productive week.

My week has been pretty amazing. Yesterday, we had an away game in Chilton County. We won the game 14 to 13. But what made me and everyone else mad was that the game didn't start till 8 or so because of the lightning. On top of that, we went into double overtime. I got back home at 2:30 in the freaking morning. But I got my sleep back. I woke up at 11 in the afternoon XD

Homegirl may or may not have a bae... ;] We text 24/7; during class(#sorrynotsorry), at home, at church, basically everywhere. He is probably the most funniest person I text, besides bestie. He is the sweetest person I've ever met in my life. omg I can't even tell you how much I swoon:) Although we've only been talking for about 3+ weeks, he is a great addition in my life. Every time my friends see us together they're all like 'there's yo bae' or 'there go bae' and give me looks like this...

You can imagine how embarrassed I feel when they do that when he is literally less than 3 frackin' feet away-_-

I recently just discovered possibly a new favorite YouTube channel to watch. Lucas Cruikshank and Jennifer Veal have a channel called Lucas and Jenny. Those 2 together have me rolling. They are so funny and I love Jennifer's clothes and just the way Lucas acts in general. Everyone thinks they are dating, but Lucas is gay. But they are one of my favorite BFF OTP's. You should definitely check them out. Here's one of my favorite videos of them: 

I honestly watched over 30 of their videos and they have 100+. I'm definitely watching the rest this weekend. 

I'm also watching more Miranda Sings. I effing love her. She always makes me laugh way more than I should. When I laugh at her videos, I feel like I'm dying from the inside out because I'd be laughing super hard. Her collab videos with Tyler Oakley are insanely funny. You need to watch them, omg XD 

Here are a few more videos that I watched in my Youtube session. I spend so much time on Youtube, it's unhealthy. But it's okay :D


I am so glad YouTube was invented, so I can watch possibly the funniest people in the world and watch people do stupid stuff. Which one of these awesome videos was your fave? 


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