Confidence 101: We Are Who We Are

6:07 PM

We all have those times where we just doubt ourselves with everything we do. ‘I’m not pretty enough’, ‘I’ll never be good at anything’. Trust me, I’ve been there plenty of times. There are times when I feel like I'm at the top of the world. I look and feel beautiful, and I feel confident. But at other times, I felt like dirt. I criticize everything I do and how I look. I’d even tell myself that I’m ugly. Its not the way a mind should think, but it just happens. It happens to the best of us. Even at my age, I’m still trying to find out who I am and what I like. With a society like this, it’s pretty difficult sometimes. I used to cry myself to sleep whenever these thoughts ran through my mind. When I was single, I saw all these cute couples and I would think to myself ‘why doesn’t anyone like me? Am I ugly? And I not good enough?’. I didn’t want to think these thoughts, but I couldn’t help say what I felt.

When you’re in a state of mind like this, its best to look to a close family member or a best friend. On my trip to Europe, I had an insecurity episode. My mind was just clouded with a bunch of negative thoughts, so I started crying on the coach bus. I wrote my feeling out in my notes app and when we went into the museum, I let my friend read it and she replied and instantly made me feel better. Surround yourself with people you love at your most vulnerable time. Here is the note in case you wanted to read it. It's pretty long...

I was in a dark place. But now, I feel so much better. I still have my insecure moments, but I have the best boyfriend ever :) He makes me feel amazing and pretty all the time even though I don't think I am. 

So basically, we are who we are. This is the body God gave you so love the skin your'e in. Eventually you will meet someone who will adore everything about you. So hang in there, baby XD

If you need some more inspiration, just listen to this song over and over again. Little Mix has a song for every feeling I have<3<3<3



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