Seasons Greetings...

9:02 AM

It is finally Friday!! Also, it's about that time of year when people start dressing warmer, drink hot coco, and spend time with family. Its about time for me to crack out my fall candles and my favorite hot coco mug. Fall Break(for me, anyways) is next week, and Halloween is at the end of the month. I don't really celebrate Halloween anymore(but homegirl loves some candy), but It's not like it matters because we have a freaking football game. What kind of sick, evil people would schedule a game on a 'holiday'?
Halloween is also senior night. I get to be recognized and awarded, which is great. I'm really excited for senior week as well. All the seniors get to dress up for a whole week and be awesome. Boy does it feel good to be a senior. 

I recently just downloaded the app MeowChat, thanks to Mister Kenny Holland, a.k.a. the bae.
If you want to find me, my name on there is just Cheyenne and my username is sillychey97. I'm not sure if you're even able to find people by username lol I added Kenny, Sammy Wilk, Gilinsky, and Jack Dail. I almost flipped when I saw that Jack Dail had favorited me, but he didn't reply to my message. But whatever. Atleast he added me XD but I NEED the bae to answer my messages on meowchat so we can be 'friends'. When I say friends, i mean husband and wife XD jk but srsly, bae needs to come thru for me.

Anyways, I hope you all have a nice Friday! :)


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