7:38 PM

Aloha! Hope everyone had a great weekend, better than mine hopefully. I had a decent fall break and I'm sad it's ending. But at the same time I'm happy because school gives me something to do even though its not fun lol I took advantage of my last night of fall break by not sleeping. I pulled an all-nighter with my younger sister watching Orange Is The New Black. That show is flipping awesome!! I stopped at the episode where Piper beat the shizznit out of Pennsatucky. I was like 0_o go pipes!! If you've never heard of this show, please check it out. This show will make you cry, laugh, and throw things. If you watch the show, you would know that Mendez is the worst person ever. I just want to punch him and throw him in a wood-chipper. It aggravates me how UGH he is. But what's a show without a bad guy? ...

This week is going to be a bit nerve wrecking. I've got to write an essay in English class, I have chair auditions for band(which I'm very nervous about even though I practiced like crazy), and theres an away game this Friday that determines whether we go to play-offs or not. I am praying to God we win. I really wanna go to atleast one play-offs game my senior year. Fingers crossed homies...

I've decided to start a checklist book. I make a list of things I need to do/accomplish, and I do them. NO procrastinating. I want to try and lower the amount of times I wait till last minute to do things. So far, it's working. Hopefully I can keep up with it. Hope you guys have a wonderful day/night or whatever XD

Quote of the day: "It's a metaphor, you potato with eyes!"


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