Long Overdue

7:35 AM

Aloha my little unicorns! Please excuse my long absent, but I am here to make it all up. A lot has been going on for the past 2 weeks. Spring Break has almost come upon us, and I'm more than happy about that. The downside to Spring Break is that I may or may not have homework and I won't be going anywhere special. 

Continuing with this terrible, sad news; My first choice college rejected me. Boohoo, I know. The funny thing is that they rejected in the nicest way possible. 

They couldn't just tell me straight up that they didn't want me because they think I'm stupid. I'm laughing internally. I was actually really upset for a while because I was so engrossed in that school that I didn't even think about anyplace else. But there is a light at the end of this tunnel. My second choice is the University of Arkansas.... and they accepted me! Hip Hip Hooray, I know! When I looked more into this school, it made me like it even better. So who needs Tennessee? Certainly not me. I am now a part of the Razorback Family. 3 cheers for Cheyenne!

In other news, My family and I recently just moved to a new house. I am in love with it. Although my new room is exceptionally smaller than my old room, I can make it work. Atleast that's what my inner interior designer says. I think I want my new bedroom to have a bit of a bohemian vibe to it. So you already know where I am going to shop (I'll give you a hint: it starts with Urban and ends with Outfitters). Their bedding and decor are literally to-die-for. A downside to this wonderful mindset is that I myself am way too poor to afford UO bedding, especially for a king sized bed. So if any of you know the UO hook-up, let me know :D But all in all, you should expect a room tour post within the next few weeks or the next month and a half. 

Now it is time for my weekly obsession (and cue the applause!). I have been absolutely in love with the Reflection album by Fifth Harmony. I know i've spoken about it before, but their album is just that amazing! One song on there really gets my going; their song Reflection. It is literally a song for the ladies. If you haven't gotten around to listening to the song, I suggest you do. It made my soul tingle with happiness (weird, I know).

To wrap up this whole shindig, if any of you live in Arkansas, attend University of Arkansas, or are about to, I would love to talk to you. Tell me what it's like over there, what is there to do, and all that jazz :) 
(random but "Jazz" is the nickname of my friend)

Everyone have a great day and enjoy yourself.

C'est la Vie

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