Wanderlust: Blogmas #4
9:01 PM
Hello everybody(I have realized that I alternate between saying everyone and everybody)! I can't believe it's Friday night already. This week seemed to sneak past me quite quickly.
I feel like having a chat session with all of my fellow wanderlusts out there today. So if you haven't guessed it already, I'm going to talk about travel. As if I don't talk about it enough.
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Wanderlust (n): a strong desire or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world. |
I love to travel. You know that. I talk about traveling on Facebook, on Twitter, to my friends. I post throwback Thursdays of when I did travel...2 years ago. I guarantee everyone is getting sick of me rambling on and on about how much I love to travel and how I can't wait to travel the world like I want to. I don't blame them. It's basically all I talk about, besides boys. I can also talk about boys for a very long time.
I don't know when my love for travel started to blossom, but once it reached its full bloom, the desire to travel completely skyrocketed to the moon. I wanted to go everywhere. I wanted to work and raise the money to go everywhere. I would always go online and research all the places I wanted to visit. I would look up things to do, places to stay, places to eat, and places to shop. But that was all I could do...Look at a computer screen and long for the places I wish I was. When I was finally given the chance to actually fulfill my dreams, I jumped at that chance and held on tightly. During my sophomore year of high-school, I was nominated by one of my teachers to travel with the program People to People, since was one of the leaders. I was beyond elated when I found that out. I went to every meeting, and read and reread every checklist I had. I was counting down the days where I would finally be able to travel outside of the US for the first time.
The trip was absolutely amazing. It was hands down the best days of my life. During those 3 weeks, I traveled to Belgium, England, Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and France. I took pictures, I ate snail, I made friends, and I met some of the most attractive males I have ever seen in my life.
For as long as I can remember, I've always been drawn to England. I don't know why, but it was just my number one place that I've always wanted to visit. During the trip, we only had 2 days to spend in England, but I made sure those 2 days were the best days out of all of them. For some reason, I feel at home in England. I have this deep connection with the country and I just feel so comfortable there.
When I came back home, I immediately knew that I just had to go back. No matter what it took and how long it took. For my senior year here at university, the only credit we need is an internship. No core classes, no labs. Just an internship. When I heard about that on the first week of design school, my heart jumped with happiness. For my internship, I have wholeheartedly decided that I want to go to London. This is something I really want to do so I am going to do everything in my power to keep my dream alive.
One day, just out of boredom and curiosity, I looked up interior design internships on reed.co.uk, and I was not disappointed. There were so many opportunities to choose from. I actually emailed a few of the internship firms just to see if any would actually answer. To my surprise, one firm actually did respond and they showed interest in me. I was thoroughly surprised and happy that they replied to me so quickly because at the bottom of the page where they give you the description of their firm, it said that they only reply to potential candidates. I sent them an email of a written CV/resume and they replied by asking me a bunch of questions like why I think I would be good for the roll, how long would I be able to work and when would I be able to work. If those questions didn't sound like "We like you and we are definitely considering you", then I don't know what will.
One day, just out of boredom and curiosity, I looked up interior design internships on reed.co.uk, and I was not disappointed. There were so many opportunities to choose from. I actually emailed a few of the internship firms just to see if any would actually answer. To my surprise, one firm actually did respond and they showed interest in me. I was thoroughly surprised and happy that they replied to me so quickly because at the bottom of the page where they give you the description of their firm, it said that they only reply to potential candidates. I sent them an email of a written CV/resume and they replied by asking me a bunch of questions like why I think I would be good for the roll, how long would I be able to work and when would I be able to work. If those questions didn't sound like "We like you and we are definitely considering you", then I don't know what will.
Unfortunately, because of how far away(but not far at all)my senior year is, they can't exactly hire me yet. But they said to contact them 6 months before I am able to intern, so I guess I still have some sort of chance. So from now until senior year, I am going to work my butt off to try and save up all the money I can to make the move to England. I've told a lot of people close to me how much this means to me and how badly I want to live there. They all basically said the same response: It's going to be difficult to transition and change. Every time I hear someone say that, it immediately puts me in a "Challenge me" mode. I don't know why, but I feel like they are telling me that I can't do it and that it'll be too hard or too much for me to handle. But I can reassure you all now, nothing is impossible. Sure, the transition process may be stressful at times. I'd have to apply for a visa, change banks, change cell services, and find a job. But I know that with the right mindset, I can do it.
At this point in my life, I feel like this is what I'm meant to be doing. I'm following my dreams. I'm going to become a successful Interior Designer with an amazing life, living in London. But for now, I am going to do my best in school. I'm going to start small and work my way up to the top. Something I can look forward to in the near future though, is my semester in Rome. For the design school, it is required in our curriculum to travel abroad to Italy for the second semester of our junior year. Italy is another place I have always wanted to visit. The people, the beautiful architecture, the culture. To prepare for that amazing semester in Italy, I am going to be taking Italian classes my sophomore year and the first semester of junior year. I feel like it would be so much easier to navigate my way around and meet people if I knew how to speak their language. Italian is another very beautiful language, in my opinion.
To tell you the truth, I honestly cannot wait to move out of the US. Not that I don't like it, because I absolutely love my country, but I just feel like I belong in Europe.
All of my fellow wanderlusts out there, I want you to tell me where in the world you would like to go. Or to all of my fellow travelers, what is your favorite place that you've gone?
I know today's post wasn't very festive at all, but I feel that as long as I make a post for all you beautiful people, then it'll be okay. Also, if you didn't know, you are now able to subscribe to my blog if you just scroll to the bottom of the page. All you have to do is enter your email address, then it takes you to a page where you have to put in the given code. After you confirm your email, you are set to sail. I know it sounds like a long process, but I promise you it will be worth it.
So now, to get back into the festive theme, here is today's advent calendar reveal!
And the countdown continues...