Chill Day: Blogmas #12
10:42 AM
Hello everybody! Hope you all had a nice weekend. Saturday consisted of me laying in bed all day watching vlogmas and eating pizza. I didn't exactly have a productive day that day. But I just want to talk about travel some more.
A while ago, while I was scrolling through jennxpenn's twitter, I found a picture where she had a notebook and a camera. Seeing that picture kind of gave me a little idea. Whenever I travel, I want to keep a written documentation of the places I went and the things that I do while I'm traveling. So I took it upon myself to go out and buy a nice, cheap notebook, decorate it with stickers, and when the time comes for me to travel, I will fill up those clean pages with wondrous memories. Something I also wanted to do to add to the writing is polaroid pictures. Urban Outfitters sells this really awesome polaroid printer where it prints out sticker pictures so you can stick them anywhere you want.
I will be able to connect my phone to it and print my pictures from my phone to the printer right on the spot. I think this would be a really cool thing to have when I travel abroad to Rome and England. Alongside the written experience, pictures would be lovely.
Day 12 Calendar Reveal
And the countdown continues...
ho ho ho