Bring On The New Year
5:10 AM
Happy New Year everyone! Can you believe that we've made it thus far? 2016 has honestly flown by so fast that it seems as if I had just moved to England yesterday, even though it's been almost 5 months now. Now I'm not going to lie, 2016 was definitely filled with its ups and downs. Although I won't get into that because 2017 is all about positivity. But don't worry because I will give you a run down of MY experiences in 2016.
Breakdown of 2016:
-I failed my first year of college at the University of Arkansas
-I got my very first job working at Forever21
-I got accepted to Kingston University
-I moved to England on a whim
-For a whole month, I had nowhere to live. I was living in a hostel until a friend took me in
-I went through a period of time where I had absolutely no money
-I finally found a place to live near my school
-I made a few friends in my flat building
-I got a job at Primark (I don't work there anymore though for various reasons)
-I met a complicated boy who I care about
-I lost said friends due to unknown reasons
-I learned to be more comfortable with being by myself
-I ended the year with the people that mattered the most
As 2017 begins, I have a completely new perspective on my life and how to handle certain things. Throughout my ups and downs, I have managed to make it through another year without coming out completely shattered. So in honor of the new year, I have decided to make a list of goals that I want to complete by the end of the year. I don't like to call them New Years resolutions because whenever I hear that, I always think about how easy it is to forget it. So instead of setting a time limit for myself, I just wrote out everything I wanted to complete this year. And who knows, maybe you'll see something on this list that you never thought to put down that you might like.
2017 Goal List:
-Get my own apartment
-Go to Disneyland Paris
-Get a kitten
-Finally get a tattoo
-Sign up for a gym (for Pilates and Zumba)
-Visit at least 2 countries
-Cook more
-Take Youtube and Blogging more seriously
-Take driving lessons ( I already have my US drivers license, but since it is a new country that drives on the opposite side of the road, I just want to be safe and sure)
-Try for an internship
-Purchase a bike
-Go to an amusement park
-Attend Fright Night at Thorpe Park
-Eat at one of the restaurants by the River
-Go Bowling
-Get professionally waxed (I have always been terrified of getting waxed anywhere, but I want to face my fears)
-Get my nails done professionally more often
-Visit a country I haven't been to before
-Go out on my own more often
A lot of the things on my list might seem like small tasks, but I've wanted to do them for so long and I've never given myself the opportunity until now. I have a good feeling that this year, for me and hopefully for you, is going to be an amazing year full of love, self discovery, surprises, opportunities, and experiences. So cheers to the new year. Be good to us.