Thank God for Tumblr Boys...

4:49 PM

Todays #MCM goes to...this random hot guy who I'm pretty sure is all over tumblr. I found the picture on this app called WeHeartIt, and I just...his face...I couldn't help but to save it to my camera role. It may be creepy, but don't judge. I'm pretty sure half the girls in this population have his picture saved as well. But I mean, look at him...He's beautiful(this is where I insert the heart eyes emoji...<3)

Every time I look at the picture, I can feel my heart explode. Is that normal?

I just can't help but drool a little bit when I see someone who is very attractive. Like when I was in Europe, every corner I turned, there was a hot guy, and I'm pretty sure I died a little each time I saw their face...(I can feel your judginess through the computer screen. Stop that, that thing your'e doing with your're misaligning my chakras) 

Literally me, Rihanna, and Cara are one. This is literally my reaction when I see a very good looking male in my line of sight...and I realize I have overused the word 'literally'...

Shout out to anyone who actually knows who this guy is. If you do, your'e a pretty lucky human being. And if for some miraculous reason, he finds this post, I am sorry(not really). 

I'd like to thank the creator of tumblr, tumblr boys, and God for creating them<3 lol I'm so done with myself. 

C'est la Vie

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