Patriarchal Paradigm

1:28 PM

omg...I just finished the book Looking For Alaska and I think it's safe to say that I can add this book to my favorites. I was more than upset when Alaska had died(spoiler alert!). I was kind of hoping it was a joke and that she would come back saying "it's okay guys! I'm still alive!" When that didn't happen, I had to accept it just like all of Culver Creek had to. But the huge prank Takumi, Pudge, Lara, and Colonel pulled in her honor at the end of the book was untoppable(it's a word now). I can't even begin to explain how well written and amazing this book is. The friendship between Pudge and Colonel was something I've never seen before. The way Alaska was so mysterious made me want to find out more about her. I can't imagine having a friend of mine dying. I don't even want to think about it.

 I am now moving on to the book Paper Towns. I hope it is as good as every one of John Green's other books. If you've read the book, please tell me what you thought of it. After I finish this one, I have to read An Abundance of Katherines and Let It Snow. Then I'll have to find something else to do with my life. Books are everything.

Sincerely, a girl who relies on books to make her feel alive XD jk

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