Society these days...smh

8:47 AM

"We are who we are who we are. Prettys just a pretty word. And I'm gonna shine like star. Cuz I'm the only me in this world. So throw away the books and the magazines. You're never gonna look like a beauty queen. We are who we are who we are, and I'm just doing me."

Being you is the best thing you can be. Some people don't realize it though. They try to impress people that don't deserve their presence just to fit in. They aren't comfortable in their own skin and that's a huge issue in this society.

I've struggled with this issue for a while in my life. In middle school, I wanted to impress people so they could be my friend. But then when they actually became friends with me, they weren't friends with the real me. So those friendships never lasted. The few people that have actually befriended me loved me for who I was and I greatly appreciated that. 

I also dealt with trying to change my look. I always thought all my friends were so pretty and I'm the ugly duckling in this group. I was jealous that they got to wear makeup and I had to wait till I was sixteen(this was middle school btw). So I used to sneak my moms makeup and put it on at school and take it off before I got home(sorry mom). That's how far I took it. Even the first years of high school I had this issue and had a hard time trying to find myself. I thought I was ugly and too unattractive to attract anyone of the male species. But now, my senior year of high school, I embrace my ugly.

 I may not be pretty in some people's eyes, but there are people who think I'm beautiful. I even have young people looking up to me. And it makes me feel good and like I've accomplished something.

So love yourself and embrace your looks. You were made this way for a reason.  Don't try to change yourself for ANYONE. Make friends with people who will love you for you and never doubt yourself. 
Viva la Vida

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