It's that time of the year everyone has been waiting for(no, not Christmas). It is finally turkey day!!! So happy thanksgiving my little babies.
My parents have been slaving away in the kitchen last night and this morning. Although I'm not a big fan of cooking, I did help out a LITTLE bit. I had to go to Walmart to pick up some extra cheese for the macaroni and cheese my stepdad is making. And let me tell you, they are hella preparing for Black Friday. Black Friday is a day of the year where people will kill for a towel...literally. Like who fights over dumb stuff like that. Just imagine walking past two old ladies fighting over a soap dispenser.
Lanes were sectioned off so you could only go one direction, they were changing prices, they were setting up tables. I just can't imagine what it'll look like tomorrow. People running left and right. My mom doesn't participate in this event and I'm glad she doesn't. She'd probably come home beat up, or with a police escort and handcuffs lol
I am thankful for a lot of things. I'm thankful for my family, I'm thankful that I am alive and well, I'm thankful for all the things I have that others may not have. I'm also very thankful for all my friends who put up with me on a daily basis. I hope you all enjoy this wonderful day with your families. Eat a lot, get fat. Just enjoy yourselves.