11:42 AM

Aloha! If you are wondering about the title, please stay tuned. Iv'e got a little story to tell. I don't know if you remember, but remember old dude? Guy I used to date? yea...He is tripping forreal. So me and him are not on speaking terms what-so-ever. I cut that bitch off. He was texting me one day and got all up in his feelings and was mad and blamed half of his sadness and anger on me. Like really bish? 


He was like 'im just done with people. people never talk to me and blah blah blah. I wanna throw my phone out the window. I'm going to join the navy and die in battle'. I said atleast you know what you wanna do with your life. Then he blew up and completely misinterpreted what I said. I tried to console him and whatnot, being the nice person I am. But whatever I said didn't help, so I stopped trying. So he got mad AGAIN because I "wasn't helping". So I was like you know? Goodbye. I'm done with you. I blocked him from texting me, and on all my social media sites. Now he has the nerve to try to talk to my step-sister? 

You've got another thing coming, buddy. She doesn't like you and she thinks you're ugly and annoying. Do I feel bad for you? not one bit(a little). You've driven me to the point where I don't care about you like that anymore. Harsh, I know lol That asswipe is a man thot, also known as a #snot, which means 'shady niggruh over there', or 'sneaky niggruh over there'. Makes sense right?

lol anyways...knowing me, I'm going to end up unblocking him because he was my friend and it's nice talking to him when he's not being a girly, emotional wreck. He came up to me at lunch today and was like 'why'd you block me?' ...in my head I was like 'well shiz.' I was surprised he confronted me about it but at the same time, I kind of expected it. So I just said that he made me mad. I was going to say something else, but he walked away. I know he was upset, but oh well. 

I feel no remorse for what happened. But maybe a little bit lol

Now here's the part where I recommend random stuff to you that I think is awesome. 

Hotel Ceiling by Rixton


Looking For Alaska by John Green

Now that that is out of the way, I hope you are having a good day so far. I love you, stay beautiful<3


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