Hello, April
7:04 AM
Hello everyone! It's been a while, hasn't it? Almost 2 months since I last wrote a blog post. In case you haven't noticed, my life really doesn't consist of anything very exciting or interesting enough for me to blog about right now. But boy do I have a blog post for you today. Quite a few things have happened since my last post, one of which is something that I cannot wait to share with you all.
School has been a huge pain in my butt this past week. Spring Break could have been longer. Speaking of Spring Break, I had an absolute smashing time. If you want to know what I did for my Spring Break, make sure you check out my "Spring Breakers" post. Ever since coming back from break, it seems as if every class I have has kicked it into full gear. The work just keeps piling on, making me put everything off even longer because I just have no motivation to start anything. I know that's bad, but I'm just so stressed and I just can't find it in my heart (or brain) to do anything yet. But something that I can look forward to is that there are only about 5-6 weeks left until school is over.
As we all know, summer is approaching well and fast. And I think I can vouch for a lot of people by saying it is crunch time to getting that summer body we've always wanted before we start hitting the beach. I'm not sure I've said this before, but I am the absolute worst when it comes to working out. You can't get me to stick to going to the gym and working out constantly even if my life depended on it (let's just hope it doesn't have to resolve to that). But one thing I can actually say that I'm really proud of is that I have taken the liberty of taking Pilates and Piyo classes at the multipurpose facility on campus (it also helps that the walk to the facility literally takes 2 minutes). Even though it's technically a form of 'exercise', I really don't think of it that way. I actually really like these classes and they actually work. I've gotten more toned and I just feel better all around. I would 100% recommend these types of classes to those of you who are in the same boat as me or to anyone who's just looking for something new to do.
Now here is the moment of exciting news that I know you all have been dying to know. In one of my past blog posts, I had mentioned applying to a school in the U.K., Kingston University. Here's the big new...THEY GAVE ME AN OFFER! I cannot even begin to explain how thrilled I was when I found out they actually wanted me to attend their school. The only catch is that they accepted me under a conditional offer, meaning that in order for them to fully accept me, my grades need to be at least a C+ or above by the end of this semester. I'm not going to lie, I am a little worried. I haven't been doing all that great this semester and I'm scared that this opportunity is going to slip through my fingers because I messed up my grades. But because I want this so much and this has been my dream for years, I need to get my life together and push through these last few weeks in full power mode. I don't even want to think about what would happen if I didn't get all the way in. But I have faith in myself. I have already emailed all my teachers about the situation and now all I have to do is do good and wait for my results.
Along with my grades, something else I need to get in line are my finances. It's going to cost quite a bit of money for me to make that big move overseas. I have made a campaign on gofundme that will help aid the costs, but I never have any luck with fundraisers. That's where all of you beautiful people come in. Now I know a lot of you out there are thinking something along the lines of "why would I give my money to some girl? What's in it for me?". Well let me tell you exactly what's in it for you. I have set up a reward/gift option on the campaign where as if you donate the certain amount, I will be sending you a gift personally from me. If that's not enough reason, then I don't know what else is. Also, you will get the satisfaction of helping a young woman fulfill and achieve her dream and goal. If you want to visit the campaign page, just click this link: gofundme.com/kingstonuniversity and you will be led to the main page. I have until September to reach my goal, but I have faith in you and I and I know we can get there.
Also, a little something on the side that I plan on doing when I do make that huge move overseas, is vlogging. Now me personally, I am absolutely obsessed with watching vlogs. Just getting to catch a glimpse of someone else's life and seeing what they get into on a day-to-day basis. I know a lot of you out there are just as obsessed with vloggers as I am. Just a few of my favorite vloggers are Joe Sugg, Gabriella Lindley, Lily Melrose, and Zoe Sugg. And that's only a select few. One day I can only hope to be as good of a vlogger as they are.
Step 1 to being a great vlogger: Buy a vlogging camera. (it's essential)
Although not much has gone on, I hope you all enjoyed my little insert. I also hope you all have a wonderful day!
c'est la vie