Eagle U: Your'e A 10
7:00 PM
HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYBODY! (depending on where you are lol) I hope you are all doing swell this fine night. I have a little story to tell you all. So enjoy this little look into my life :)
Recently, I just came back from a week long leadership program called Eagle U at the University of Louisville. Eagle U is a program where you learn about college readiness and preparing yourself for your future and goals. I can honestly say it was one of the greatest experiences ever. The seminars were so life changing and I've learned so much. I don't know how I've lived without the things I've learned.
When I first arrived at the program on Sunday, I was nervous about making friends and if the people in my group would like me. But all those worries were put to rest when I made my first friend; Kennedy. I had emailed her and texted her prior to the trip. She is honestly the most charismatic, lively and enthusiastic person I have ever met in my life. She aspires to be an actress and I just know she's gonna make it. In due time, I'll be watching her on television winning award after award. On Monday, she introduced me to her friend Madison, who is absolutely gorgeous. I love her accent and she can dance her ass off. The next friends I made were Kaylee and Zoe. I had met them when we sat next to each other at a seminar, and I am so glad I did. Me and Zoe became friends super fast and we got so close. One thing we bonded over was pointing out cute guys, and there were a lot :-P I then became friends with this guy named North. Don't tell me that's not a cool name. When I first heard that was his name, I immediately thought of baby North West (lol) He is such a chill person and he's fun to be around. As the week progressed, I just started making friends on the fly. I was literally friends with everyone in my group, and I actually had a small crush on one of the guys in the group #scandalous
So I just want to give a s/o to all of you guys and Jamie and I just want to tell you that I miss you all so much!
Zoe, North, Kaylee, Me, Nichols, Ryan, Brycen, Jacob, Zach, Carter, Noah, Jasmine, Madison, Kennedy, and Jamie <3 |
On the first day of the program, everybody received a drawstring bag with a t shirt, water bottle, notebook, and a notepad. But it wasn't your ordinary notepad. I was an appreciation notepad. On the top of the note it says "I appreciate", then it has a line where you put the persons name. Below that, it says "Because",then a space were you write down why you appreciate them. The thoughts that were going through my mind was that whoever made this was a pure genius. I wrote so many appreciation notes for people that I needed to get a second notepad. I fell in love with the concept so much that I vowed to use it in college. Writing these notes really puts a smile on people's faces. I got 19 appreciation notes and I smiled every time I read each one. I still smile every time I reread them to remind myself of all the amazing people I was surrounded by.
The last day of the program, Thursday, there was goodbye party in a barn-like building. I had the time of my life and I was not looking forward to the end of the night. I danced with Zoe, Jasmine and Zach the whole night. (<3) And the walk back to the dorms after the party was nice *blush*
Sadness had completely overtaken my body Friday morning, which was when everyone had to go home. As I drove home, the whole time I was thinking 'Take me back to the night before'. I promised myself that I would go again next year and this time, I'm going to bring a friend.
I got really lucky with one of my friends, Nichols, because he lives in Alabama too! So I am definitely going to visit him before I go off to college. I also made it a goal to visit Zoe and Zach in Minnesota.
L to R: Brycen, Zach, Me, Zoe, Jasmine :) |
I have learned so much about myself when I went through this program and I would literally recommend this to anybody. But enough about me, lets talk about you #BeInterestedNotInteresting
Have you ever been to a leadership program? If you have, what kind of things did you learn and do you still keep in touch with all of the friends you've made?
I hope you all had a great day and Happy 4th!!
c'est la vie