Wedding Bells
8:45 AM
Hello everyone! Are you enjoying your week so far? I am currently in South Carolina visiting family. Today was actually a very special day. My aunt got married today and I had the privilege to follow her around all day and photograph the day away. I personally think having your wedding on New Years is awesome. Every new year you can have a blastingly awesome honeymoon celebrating your marriage AND the new year. How epic is that? I hope my wedding day is on a cool day, like St. Patrick's Day...that was a joke btw lol. After the wedding, we had this huge wedding after party. I tried a sip of champagne for the first time and I don't like it. The aftertaste is like dirt lol Everyone was getting there picture taken, all model like and whatnot. I'm not gunna lie, I looked dapper af and I shamelessly took more than enough selfies of myself all night. I will now take you through my day with a series of pictures :)
These were a few of the wedding decorations set up in the living room. The wedding was set in the living room at my grandparents house. I helped my mom with some of the setting and I must say I did a splendid job.
Me and my mom spent a little time at the hair salon watching my grandma and the bride herself getting her hair done. The bride-to-be looked quite dapper, I should say.
What kind of neice would I be if I didn't embarrass my own kin? XD
After chilling at the salon, me and my mom did a little shopping. We went to Bath & Body Works, Rue 21, and Dollar General. When I get home, I will make a shopping hall post. After shopping, we went to Zaxby's because the beast inside needed to be tamed. I'm not gonna lie halfway through my meal, I was like 'oh shiz. I can't eat another bite'. But I finished anyways because I am a proper trooper. My brothers birthday is actually this month. Being the good sister I am, I bought him a large ninja turtles cup filled with an assortment of candy. I also got him a card and put money in it. I'm such an angel XD
Now I know what you all are asking..."Cheyenne, what beautiful graces did you bestow on everyone's eyeballs?" Well to answer your question, this was my #OOTD
And my moms
And last but not least, my absolutely beautimus face:)
Now I know it wasn't my big day, but dang I looked good. Here's a little peek at the cake cutting.
To sum up the night, ITS FINALLY 2015!!!
I hope you guys had a banging New Years (literally). So from me to you, HAPPY NEW YEARS
Viva la Vida
p.s. my favorite word rn is dapper, as you can tell lol